Join the High Peaks Birders for a stroll on the Commissary Ridge Trail at Mt. Mitchell State Park on Friday, May 31.
We will follow the gradually-sloping gravel road in search of high elevation birds such as the red-breasted nuthatch, brown creeper, hermit thrush, veery, golden-crowned kinglet, winter wren, chestnut-sided warbler, Canada warbler, black-throated green warbler, and others. We may even spot a rare merlin or red crossbill.
Meet Stroll Leader Debbie Segal at 9:00 a.m. at the Ranger's Station at Mt. Mitchell State Park, located on NC 128. This will be the first building and parking lot on the right after turning off the Blue Ridge Parkway.
Temperatures are often much cooler at high elevation and it can also be windy, so check the forecast and dress accordingly.
After the bird walk we will drive over to the newly-opened Mt. Mitchell Cafe and Eatery for lunch in the lovely restaurant. For questions, contact Debbie at
Photo Info: A Canada Warbler, one of the high-elevation birds that strollers may glimpse on the May 31 High Peaks Birder’s outing