Fit, experienced hikers are invited to join the NC High Peaks Trail Association on Friday, Dec. 8 for a fun but challenging 8-mile hike to the historic Isom Mine below Celo Knob. This hike was postponed a week due to rain forecast for December 1.
The deep-shaft mica mine was worked steadily throughout much of the last century and is a notable landmark of the Black Mountains.
Hikers should assemble at the Cattail Community Center parking lot at 8:30 a.m. The group will car-pool to the starting point for the hike, which will make a loop with a climb and descent of about 1,200 feet. We will visit the mine on the way up, then top out on an old railroad grade and circle back to our starting point.
Bring snacks, lunch, plenty of water, warm clothes, rain gear if it looks threatening, and hiking poles if you use them. Leashed dogs are allowed on the hike, but come prepared to clean up after your pet.
For more information, contact Hike Leader Jimmie Bowen at 252-450-5224 or
As always, check the High Peaks Facebook page or website,, for last-minute changes due to the weather.
Photo info: Summer view from near the Isom Mine.