High Peaks Leads Challenging Buncombe Horse Trail Hike Sept. 6

Fit, experienced hikers are invited to join the NC High Peaks Trail Association for a challenging 12-mile hike on the Buncombe Horse Range Trail on Friday, Sept. 6. The outing should offer nice views of the Toe River Valley from Maple Camp Bald.

Hikers should meet at the Buncombe Horse Trail-head off Colbert Creek Road at 8:30 a.m. We’ll take a Yancey Transportation van, $5 per person, up to NC 128 near Mt. Mitchell for the start of the hike.

Hike The Balsam Nature Trail on Saturday, August 17

Join NC High Peaks for a fun day at Mt. Mitchell State Park on Saturday August 17.  The day will begin with a stroll around the Balsam Nature Trail, a 3/4 mile trail with interpretive signs.  While rated as relatively easy the trail is uneven with tripping hazards so hikers may want to use hiking poles.  The hike will also take us to the summit of Mount Mitchell for 360-degree views from the highest mountain east of the Mississippi. After the hike we will adjourn to the newly reopened Mt. Mitchell Restaurant for lunch.

High Peaks Leads Mt. Mitchell Loop Hike July 20

Take a break from the summer heat by joining High Peaks for a pleasant loop hike on the trails of Mt. Mitchell State Park on Saturday, July 20. Temperatures on the highest peak in the Eastern U.S. are typically 10 to 15 degrees cooler than in the surrounding valleys.

Meet in the parking lot of the restaurant at 8:30 a.m. Bring water, snacks, hiking poles if you use them and rain gear if the weather forecast warrants.

High Peaks Birders Host Stroll at Mt. Mitchell on May 31

Join the High Peaks Birders for a stroll on the Commissary Ridge Trail at Mt. Mitchell State Park on Friday, May 31. 

We will follow the gradually-sloping gravel road in search of high elevation birds such as the  red-breasted nuthatch, brown creeper, hermit thrush, veery, golden-crowned kinglet, winter wren, chestnut-sided warbler, Canada warbler, black-throated green warbler, and others.  We may even spot a rare merlin or red crossbill.

High Peaks Leads AT Hike May 18

Join the NC High Peaks Trail Association for a fun hike on the Appalachian Trail on Saturday, May 18. This out-and-back adventure will start at Sam’s Gap and climb to Street Gap, for a total distance of about 5 miles. The hike has several steep climbs and an overall elevation gain of 500 feet, so it is rated as moderately difficult.